What are The Ascended?

Ascended is a collection of 8,888 unique randomly generated explorers who seek the strange, enigmatic power of the Masks. Join them as the venture into the surreal and supernatural world of Inmanis in search of them!

Welcome to Inmanis

The world of Inmanis is vast and barren.

Total population is unknown but thought to be sparse. Its denizens gather in high numbers in places called Oasis. These safe havens are separated from one another by measureless distance.

In fact, the world between these Oasis has been left well alone, and as a result is shrouded in obscurity. The fearless and the foolhardy are known to set off in an attempt to plot out and tame these wild lands. These expeditions range from weeks to years and some… some have yet to return at all.

Curiously, it seems after comparing notes from the various expeditions that these boundless regions are not constant. Every explorer's tales vary incredibly from the last. Inmanis appears to be unyielding, everchanging and unrelenting.

Stranger yet are people who manage to return from pilgrimage, returning from the Unknown having always bore witness to otherworldly mysteries:

Giant structures from strange civilizations, colossal beings of light wandering alongside them, and all kinds of unexplained manifestations …

If all these happenings weren’t unsettling enough, there is one thing stranger still. Those who do manage to come back to the Oasis sometimes do so with mysterious masks stuck to their heads. They claim to have access to their Altered Egos which bestow upon them the ability to travel outside of our material world. They don’t stay for long in the Oasis and are uninterested in teaching much to the rest; the only parting wisdom they offer is an insistence that everyone go on their own quest into the Unknown.

They are known as Ascended Guides…

What is your alter ego?

Development Roadmap

P2E/Adventure 2 Earn Mechanics!

We will be introducing  $AURA token Q1 of 2022.  All Ascended are able to stake their NFT via our upcoming Lite web based game to accrue $AURA, which can be used to claim an Ascended Sandbox Voxel Avatar!

Mounts, Artefacts, Catalysts, Weapons, Land, Pets and much more!-

What else will $AURA be able to buy?  You will be able to spend your $AURA tokens on these various items, land, upgrades and companions for your character. These will in turn have real in game benefits.

Along with the Lite Dashboard game we are partnering with a veteran game dev company and will begin development on our large scale VR P2E title in tandem.

Ascension Event!

Lastly right after mint there will be an Ascension mechanic!  Everyone who minted will have a random chance at having their NFT automatically upgraded in rarity.
Maskless to Masked
Masked to Chosen One


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We will be rolling out a rarity guide shortly after launch!
Those who seek the masks may find Ascension!

Shortly after mint the Ascension process will commence!  Those NFTs from the collection from masked to mask-less and anywhere in between will be selected at random to partake in this most auspicious event!  This will take place every couple days for a few months.

We want to under promise and over deliver.

We see a lot of projects launching tokens, staking, burning, p2e gaming, etc before there is any real value. We don't want to put the cart before the horse.

What we can say is that we are developing a whole world and lore around these avatars and have big plans to expand the franchise.






Community Manager